Elena Rhodes

About Me

Dr. Elena Rhodes is currently a Biological Scientist at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida in the Small Fruit and Vegetable IPM Laboratory. Her current research focuses on the management of insect and mite pests in organic strawberry production.

Recent publications and presentations

My Definition of Intergrated Pest Management

A pest management strategy that combines the use of multiple tactics to control a target pest. Knowledge of the biology and ecology of the pest is essential. Sufficient and accurate monitoring is key to the success of an IPM program.

Recent Grants and Awards

  1. Liburd, O. E. and E. M. Rhodes. 2013-2014. Monitoring and management of current, emerging, and invasive arthropod pests of Florida strawberries. Florida Strawberry Growers Association $22,669.00
  2. Liburd, O. E. and E. M. Rhodes. 2013-2014. Improving integrated pest management of key pests to increase productivity and sustainable production of Florida blueberries. Specialty Block Grant, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services $103,180.00
  3. 3rd Place in Ph.D. student paper competition at the Florida Entomological Society annual meeting in 2009